OH MY DAIS Watch horrifying moment Coronation Street’s Daniel Osbourne crashes stolen car while drunk
But who was caught on the CCTV?
DANIEL Osbourne made a dangerous mistake by crashing a stolen car while under the influence in Coronation Street.
Daniel (Rob Mallard) spiraled into a drunken mess after a row with his girlfriend Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon), leading him to make a disastrous decision in tonight’s episode of Coronation Street.

Bethany was left gobsmacked when she discovered that Daniel had given her clothes to his ex-fiancée, Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan), instead of donating them to a charity shop as she had requested.
Despite Daniel’s efforts to convince Bethany that he was acting in her best interests, Bethany was left fuming over his secrecy and his continued friendship with his ex-fiancée.
Daniel was left at the Rovers Return pub, drinking himself into oblivion.
Daisy demanded he went home to sleep it off, after starting arguments with other Weatherfield residents.
But Daniel decided to steal a car and drive it instead, while Daisy watched in horror.
Daniel crashed the car into a wall, but managed to get out unscathed.
However, he panicked, fearing that he would go down for drunk driving and have his son Bertie taken away from him, forcing Daisy to take matters into her own hands.
Daisy ordered Daniel to go back to the pub, while she drove the car away from the street.
When she got back, she told Daniel to never mention the night’s events.

The next morning, copper Kit Green (Jacob Roberts) was on a mission to find the stolen car.
He was convinced it was joy riders, until he saw CCTV footage of Daisy driving the car.
Will Daisy continue to cover for Daniel when she is questioned by Kit?
Meanwhile, Shona Platt (Julia Goulding) suffered a painful arm injury, but it’s unclear how she ended up hurt. Did she get caught up in the crash?