Rowan’s ultimate victory in Coronation Street as Leanne loses it in final showdown?

Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) faces Rowan Cunliffe (Emrhys Cooper) in court in upcoming Coronation Street episodes and perhaps unsurprisingly, it’s not going to be easy.
For the majority of this year, Leanne was part of a group called The Institute. Leader Rowan tricked Leanne into thinking it was an organisation passionate about self-help and positivity, making her oblivious to the fact it was actually a cult.
Through a lot of blackmail and manipulation, Rowan was successful in pulling Leanne from her family, brainwashing her into thinking the group cared more about her needs than the likes of Nick (Ben Price) and Toyah (Georgia Taylor).
While Leanne remained distracted, Toyah and Nick started developing feelings for each other.
It was this affair that became the catalyst for Leanne to learn the truth about Rowan, as she discovered proof about her sister’s betrayal on his computer, and the fact Rowan had been blackmailing them.
Following Rowan’s arrest, a court hearing is set to take place.
‘I just think she just feels a bit of a fool, really’, actress Jane Danson said.
‘Now it’s all like it all come out and she’s realised that she’d been sucked in. This is kind of the start of her trying to prove herself, her decisions and why she’s why she did what she did.
‘She says this lovely speech at the trial, where she’s just saying how sorry she was for everything she’s done, but she just she was striving to be better. She wasn’t trying to hurt anyone. And in the middle of that, obviously Nick and Toyah got together and all fell apart.’

As it begins, Rowan’s barrister cross-examines Amy (Elle Mulvaney), Nick and Leanne.
Amy was drawn into the group as a result of Leanne. She gave her inheritance money to Rowan to invest in the company, but saw the reality of the group when she took part in a meeting that made her incredibly uncomfortable.
During the court proceedings, Leanne catches Rowan sharing a smug grin. Her anger bubbling over, she loses her temper, leading to the court being adjourned.
But has Leanne ruined her chances of taking Rowan down?
Reflecting on the reaction she has received regarding Leanne’s storyline, Jane added:
‘I think the reaction to it was a bit of a split, if I’m honest. I think some people liked it and some people did it, and I totally buy that because Leanne is such a strong character. But I watched documentaries, and you see these intelligent people with great jobs, with families, with houses, with assets, and they get taken by these people.
‘And I suppose, depending on where you are in your life and what’s going on, who knows what is possible? I loved working with Emryhs [Cooper aka Rowan]. He was so lovely, and he and just loved being here and he was very popular with the cast.
‘He was just a positive, lovely guy and I really miss him. Also, this story was another chapter for Leanne, for which I’m always grateful.’