Lauren’s exit storyline confirmed in Coronation Street as Joel set to get rid of her

Joel Deering (Calum Lill) remains in control of Lauren Bolton’s (Cait Fitton) life next week in Coronation Street as he plots to get her as far away from Weatherfield as possible.
Lauren’s fate was confirmed in a recent episode of the ITV soap when she visited Roy (David Neilson) in hospital. In May, we were led to believe Lauren’s death happened as a result of Joel attacking her, but we then discovered she had been living rough after fleeing the flat.
In the hospital, during the showdown between Joel and Lauren, we were also able to learn more about their relationship. Joel met Lauren last September and afterwards, would regularly give her money to buy food and electric and expect sex in return.
When Lauren tried to stand up to Joel in February and mentioned the prospect of Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) finding out the truth, that’s when the evil solicitor attacked her with a chair leg.

Coming up, Michael (Ryan Russell) and Ronnie (Vinta Morgan) offer to help Joel move a chest of drawers from his old flat and into Dee-Dee’s. The problem? He needs to get Lauren out of the flat before Michael and Ronnie arrive.
Joel does this by giving Lauren some cash so she can buy things for their baby. While Michael helps Joel out, Ronnie takes a look in the fridge and remarks that it’s packed with ready meals for one, which leaves Joel fearful.
Later in the week, growing paranoid the truth will be exposed, Joel promises a very bored Lauren that she’ll be on her way to Ireland within a week.
But will Joel’s plan work? Could Lauren depart without telling the Weatherfield residents about the real Joel?
‘Obviously when you go through any sort of trauma, us as human beings like to put it into the back of our minds and hope it goes away and distract ourselves, but it’s always there it’s never going to go away’, actress Cait Fitton explained to us.
‘With Lauren she thinks putting it behind her and kind of moving on from it, she rushes that process and you can’t rush it. Like grief you cant rush it, just got to go through it as and when it happens.
‘Since she’s left Weatherfield she’s been running from hostel to hostel, sleeping homeless, not been able to pay the rent, booted out of different hostels. Obviously now there’s other precautions she’s got to think about too.’