Joel returns with vile hospital threat in Coronation Street – but Dee-Dee is ready to take him down

Joel Deering (Calum Lill) was recently arrested in Coronation Street for his involvement in Lauren Bolton’s (Cait Fitton) disappearance and attack.
While the Weatherfield residents gossiped, Joel was being questioned by DS Lisa Swain (Vicky Myers). The determined officer wasn’t prepared to leave until she found concrete evidence that proved Joel was involved.
Unfortunately for her though, Joel knows how to play the system having spent years training and working as a solicitor.
When topic of conversation turned to the drugs Lauren consumed that put her in early labour, Joel pretended that she got them herself to legally abort their baby.

At the hospital, wanting to help, Dee-Dee told Lauren that she had installed a tracking app on her and Joel’s phones. That way, Lauren can feel the tiniest bit safer by being aware of whether Joel is coming anywhere near her.
Sadly, Joel isn’t behind bars for good yet because the police are struggling with proof he’s an evil individual.
Free to go about as he pleases, Joel visits the hospital next week to see Lauren and baby Frankie.
When he arrives, he’s taken aback to see Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) there but wastes no time in threatening the young mum.
Reporting Joel’s latest threat to Lisa, Dee-Dee learns that Joel used to work for a firm called Walcotts, who specialise in helping vulnerable young people.
But will Dee-Dee’s digging turn up dirt on Joel?