DS Lisa Swain is forced to break some big news in Coronation Street – as a major villain is allowed to walk free
DS Lisa Swain (Vicky Myers) has to break some difficult news in upcoming Coronation Street scenes, as a major villain is allowed to walk free.
Lisa has been overseeing Lauren Bolton’s (Cait Fitton) case, and finally managed arrest the man responsible in recent scenes.
Viewers will know that the culprit was Joel Deering (Calum Lill), who had been manipulating Lauren into staying quiet about his involvement.
However, in recent scenes, Lisa grew suspicious of the solicitor after Betsy Swain (Sydney Martin) reported him for being violent towards her.
Though Joel was able to talk his way out of Lisa’s interrogation, she later went digging even further and her suspicions grew when she realised that he had acted as Lauren’s solicitor before she went missing.

Meanwhile, Joel’s fiancé Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) had suspicions of her own, and after a visit to the hospital, Dee-Dee finally got the full truth from Lauren.
Unfortunately, Joel was later released from custody, and the bad news is set to continue in upcoming scenes.
In this new video, Lisa approaches DI Costello and wonders what he wants. The detective reveals that they need to ‘wind down’ on the Joel Deering case because the case has collapsed.

Lisa’s boss also says that the wrongful arrests of Roy and Nathan haven’t helped them, and she’s left feeling very frustrated indeed.
Despite the comments, Lisa is still determined and tells Costello they can find a piece of evidence that links Joel to Lauren, but she’s told to prioritise other cases – ones they stand a chance of winning.
Feeling worried, Swain says that if Joel was released, he will just go after Lauren or another vulnerable young woman. She really tries but at the end of the day, DI Costello calls the shots – the case is closed.
That isn’t where the problems end for Lisa, as she is soon confronted by Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) who demands to know if there is any truth in the rumours that Joel drugged Lauren to abort her baby.
Viewers will know that when Lauren returned to Weatherfield she revealed that she was pregnant with Joel’s baby.
Knowing this could incriminate him, Joel drugged Lauren to induce an early labour. Fortunately, baby Frankie survived, despite being born so early.
As Daniel questions the detective, Betsy listens in, but what will she hear?
Elsewhere, Lauren is left horrified when she bumps into Joel on her way to visit Frankie. Will the police regret letting him go?