DRAMA ERUPTS: Sutton Faces Off with Dorit, Erika Betrayed, Garcelle Exposes Dorit’s Secret, Kathy Opens the Vault of N.u.d.e Pics, Kyle & Dorit Reconcile

RHOBH Recap: Sutton Gets Into It With Dorit & Throws Erika Under the Bus as Garcelle Calls Out Dorit for Reposting Teddi’s Video, Plus Kathy Reveals She Has Nude Pics in the Vault and Kyle & Dorit Make Amends

As Kathy‘s Oceanside trip continues, so does the tension between Kyle and Dorit.  This makes things awkward for the rest of the group.  On this episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, no sisterhood bonding is going to help make the ladies open and honest with each other, no matter how hard Sutton tries…

Dorit feels like there is a double standard when it comes to her relationship with Kyle.  For instance, Kyle makes her own rules and ices Dorit out when she feels offended.  Kyle acknowledges that this is her move – she did, after all, ignore Dorit for six months. Dorit points out that Kyle HAS made fun of her, yet somehow, according to Kyle’s rules, it is ok and funny.   Kyle asks Dorit to give her a break, since she is currently going through a separation.  However, Dorit feels as though she has been giving Kyle grace for the last two years, but now Kyle has pushed her too far.  Dorit is fed up with Kyle picking and choosing when she wants to be friends.

Dorit drags Erika into their battle, pointing out that Erika wasn’t punished by Kyle after Erika’s “eviscerated” comment during her WWHL appearance. Kyle points out that Erika apologized to her, which is why she has no further beef with Erika.  But it is clear this fight between Kyle and Dorit goes far back and deeper.

As Bozoma tries to learn the ins and outs of these women and their bickering, Sutton speaks up to point out that things could be fixable between Kyle and Dorit. After all, Kyle did not talk to her for months at a time! Kyle is willing to work on this part of her personality, but Dorit claims that any time she confronts Kyle, her reaction is always, “yea [I said it because] I was mad.” Kyle ultimately apologizes for what she said and Dorit apologizes, although Kyle feels like her sorry is not genuine.  Around and around we go.

Garcelle sides with Kyle, stating that Dorit doesn’t apologize and mean it.  Dorit is not surprised Garcelle would say this as she is not Garcelle’s favorite person. After a tense moment, Dorit excuses herself. There is no resolution and Kyle is left more confused than before, since no one knows where to go from here.

The next morning, Garcelle and Sutton discuss the explosive dinner.  Garcelle believes this fight is different than other times they’ve bickered. In the meantime, Dorit pays a visit to Erika.  She feels like she has finally gotten things off her chest, but Erika is worried about Dorit’s mental health. Erika can tell Dorit is scared due to her current marital situation, but Dorit is ready to put her foot down…with Kyle and PK.

Kathy suggests that Kyle have a conversation with Dorit, but Kyle is ready to have a fun day. However, Kyle is feeling awkward the minute she sees Dorit.  Luckily, the group is boat-bound, so there is little chance for confrontation, yet.  Once on board, Sutton is automatically attracted to the captain, so there’s that.

When Kathy is finished bossing the chef around and rearranging the floral arrangements, they sit down for their lunch on the seas. It does not take long for the topic to go back to Kyle and Dorit.  Dorit is still angry, frustrated, and hurt, but she does not hate Kyle.  Kyle points out that they are both going through so much in their lives right now.  They do not need to waste their energy on this drama. It is ironic to see that Mo and PK are closer than ever, whereas the ladies are drifting apart. In the end, it seems like they have turned a corner to rebuild their friendship.

Sutton and Dorit steal a moment away to talk.  Sutton lets Dorit know she can lean on her as she navigates this separation, which is incredibly interesting considering the history of their friendship, or lack thereof. Dorit just wants peace in her life; however, she has never felt lonelier.

Garcelle reminds Kyle that everyone is going through something and now she is trying to figure out herself in this new chapter.  She is having a hard time finding out what is next for her as an empty nest is looming.  What is the missing piece in her life? Kyle understands where Garcelle is coming from. They both agree that the unknown is frightening. Kyle admits to Garcelle that PK reaches out to her.  This is…interesting.

In the meantime, Boz talks about her new man and that topic brings a big smile to her face. Boz discusses the death of her husband and how dating has been very difficult for her.  She calls the man she dated before this guy a liar. Jennifer shares her experience and how she would support her ex, despite him not bringing much to the table.

Sutton gets one final chance to try and score a date with the captain before heading off to get ready for dinner. As she gets glam, Sutton has decided that it’s time for the group to come together and feel supported.

The dinner begins with Kathy Hilton admitting to have nude photos in a bank vault and Sutton outs Garcelle as man-less.  Garcelle claims she would rather be alone than be on a date wearing a kitty sweater talking about neuropathy- touché.

Because things are going too smoothly, Garcelle calls Dorit out for reposting Teddi’s post about John Mellencamp’s upcoming show.  This seems contradictory of Dorit, considering Dorit said she was not friends with Teddi the night before. Now all of a sudden, she wants to promote Teddi’s dad’s concert? I agree with Kyle: I do not think he needs Dorit’s support on Instagram to be successful. LOL.

To change the topic, Sutton asks the ladies to stand as she reads off of pre-written speech. She goes on to talk about trust and how they are in this “sisterhood” together (ok, camp counselor). They tie their hands together with a ribbon with the intention to bond them together as sisters forever.

The trip is coming to an end and the ladies pile into the van to get home. Sutton pours herself a hefty OJ and vodka as she discusses how they can all have disagreements and be truthful, so long as they are honest and open. Sutton points out that there was a moment when Erika whispered something to Kyle about Dorit the night before.

Sutton feels awkward being in a group of friends that talk about each other. In this case, it has to do with Dorit changing her tune when it comes to Teddi.  Dorit claims she said, “I consider Teddi a friend. I wouldn’t categorize us as close friends…” except that’s not what she said the day before.  Sutton is trying to tell Dorit that this is not about Teddi.  It’s more about being able to call each other out, work through it, and move on.

Sutton doesn’t feel like she got her point across and Dorit is not surprised to see a different Sutton than the one from the boat the day before.  “Different mode of transportation, different woman.” Garcelle wants this to be a safe space of being open and honest, but Dorit goes in on Sutton.  She calls Sutton’s behavior annoying and tells her that she is acting like a child. SO much for that sisterhood that bonded them the night before, huh?

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